Geophysical operations

We possess the skills to assist in managing work programs
either on behalf of clients or as part of an integrated team
The EDR Management team have been providing operational support and QC services for over 30+ years in most of the world’s hydrocarbon basins.
We have worked in both conventional and unconventional resource plays in the offshore, onshore and transition zone environments, globally.
Geotechnical surveys
Geohazard surveys
3D UHR site surveys
Rig surveys
Pipeline route surveys
Seismic surveys
CSEM surveys
Transition zone surveys
Project Management
Project Managers / Onshore Supervisors
Seismic, Site Survey, UH Res QC
Geodetic and Hydrographic QC
Field Processing QC
HSE QC and HSE audits
MMO, PAM systems & operators
Vessel Inspections and audits
Project start-up and optimisation
Technical audits
Reservoir 4D geophysical QC and PRM
SIMOPS planning and management
Mountaineers / Land Transport Coordinators
ERW/UXO experts
Drone pilots/ helicopter experts
“The QC landscape is changing and I'm delighted to have joined EDR who are turely innovating for a sustainable and bright future.”
Gill Lee, Principal Operations Geophysicist