Nick Robinson


Nick has over 20 years’ experience of marine environmental and ecological services. Over the years he has successfully directed the development and delivery of a substantial number of projects, involving mammal and seabird mitigation, utilising Marine Mammal Observers (MMOs), Passive Acoustic Monitoring Systems (PAMS) and Operatives (PAMS Ops), Acoustic Recording Units (ARUs) as well as offering consultancy advice to a range of bodies on mitigation protocols, Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) and licensing requirements for a range of countries and industries.

Nick is well known within the market sectors of renewables, oil and gas, construction and research globally. With a BSc in Ecology and an MSc in Applied Science, Nick has a very real passion for the natural world and a solid grounding within the industry, where he is able to offer his wide experience and a range of comprehensively balanced and practical solutions.

In addition, Nick has been involved in the teaching and writing and revision of international mitigation measures for reducing the impact of seismic surveys upon marine mammals. These include UK (JNCC; 2004, 2010, 2011 and 2012) and internationally in Brazil (IBAMA ; 2005), Ireland (NWPS; 2009 and 2012), New Zealand (DOC; 2010, 2012 and 2015) and for the IAGC (Int. Assoc. of Geophysical Contractors; 2011).

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