2023 - A busy year is underway

As we approach our 5th birthday in the Summer our journey continues to excite, challenge and motivate a growing team of industry professionals who are passionate about their work.

There is much talk of increased work programs, both in our traditional markets of exploration and development as well as our increasing presence in the renewables space. Our ERW consultancy, environmental division and drilling support services are now in full flow. This has enabled us to continue attracting talent across the board at the same time as developing a few young and highly energetic consultants who are keen to make their mark.

EDR is continuing to lead by example where our core principles of integrity, honesty and transparency are yielding results such that we’ve increased our client base and continued to strengthen links with people who share these same values. In a turbulent market, which is still undergoing massive change and consolidation, we firmly believe this is going to set us apart for the long term.

We are continuing to see good activity and awards flow through due to our ongoing efforts to increase our footprint and this will see us deliver our busiest year to date. Whilst exciting and challenging, we are very focussed on delivering the highest standards and we need to maintain this going forwards. With this in mind, we continue to invest in people (both technical and operational) and smarter ways to operate without adding burdensome G&A and process.

Our business wouldn’t be where it is without the talent which surrounds us and I would like to take this opportunity to thank our office team (particularly Mandy who leads our operations division), consultants and clients for their ongoing and unwavering support. We look forward to continuing to build on our firm foundations.

Edward Bowen - CEO

March 2023

Samantha Bowen